The Rocket League team in action. Photo by Carl Zappa III.
The Rocket League team in action. Photo by Carl Zappa III.

Esports drops defensive showdown to Cleveland State

By Carl Zappa III

PITTSBURGH --- The Carlow University Rocket League team lost 3-0 to Cleveland State University Friday night. It was a tightly contested match with CSU narrowly defeating Carlow by just one goal in each game, with game three being determined in overtime.

Game 1

AJ Nguyen created the first chance for Carlow at 4:30 on a nice centering pass that was broken up by CSU.

Brady Fest came up with two saves in the third minute, and the match play was mostly even until a Carlow attempt on net by Nguyen at 1:34. Cleveland State was able to break up the 0-0 tie netting a nice aerial goal with just 38 seconds left.

CSU clamped down on defense and Carlow was unable to overcome the deficit, losing the first game by a final score of 1-0.

Game 2

Game two opened similarly to the first game with even possession and relatively quiet gameplay around the net front for the first minute and a half.

Isaiah Solomon had two rapid-fire shots for Carlow around the 3:20 mark and made a big save at 1:54, but CSU was able to put away the rebound and go up, 1-0.

Just 14 seconds later, Fest scored the first Carlow goal of the night to bring the score level at 1:40.

Carlow produced a few more quality chances in the last minute but were ultimately undone as CSU was able to score off a counter with just eight seconds left, making the final score 2-1 in favor of Cleveland State.

Game 3

Carlow started game three down 2-0 in the match and didn't waste any time looking to score. The Celtics won the opening kickoff and almost scored immediately, but CSU was able to break up the play.

Continuing the defensive theme of the night, the next two minutes of action were relatively quiet.

Carlow's next opportunity came after Nguyen forced a turnover with high pressure and fed the ball to Fest whose shot on goal was saved by CSU around 1:48.

CSU kept the Celtics on their heels in the last minute as both Nguyen and Solomon made incredible saves at 0:59 and 0:42. CSU was then able to convert and pull ahead 1-0 after a goal with just 19 seconds remaining.

Fest ran it back and equalized just six seconds later to force overtime in game three.

Carlow won the opening kickoff in overtime, but CSU was able to score the game-winner just 16 seconds into the period.

The Celtics face the University of Louisville for an 8 p.m. match Nov. 10.

Game 1: Carlow 0 | CSU 1
Game 2: Carlow 1 | CSU 2
Game 3: Carlow 1 | CSU 2 (OT)