Alena Hemminger had an assist, a save and two shots against CCAC. Photo by Robert Cifone.
Alena Hemminger had an assist, a save and two shots against CCAC. Photo by Robert Cifone.

Rocket League Gold and Purple teams fall to Baldwin Wallace, CCAC

By Carl Zappa III

PITTSBURGH --- Carlow University Rocket League Gold and Purple faced off against Baldwin Wallace University and the Community College of Allegheny County Friday night.

RL Gold (1-3) v. Baldwin Wallace (2-2)

Game One

Baldwin Wallace struck first at 4:21 to take the opening lead 1-0. Carlow responded with a shot by Angelo Fernandez on the next play, but Baldwin Wallace made the save. The Yellow Jacket scored the next goal at 3:22, taking Baldwin Wallace up 2-0. Almost a minute later at 2:29 Baldwin Wallace was able to score a long goal and go up 3-0.

The Celtics responded with 31 seconds left on a cross from Brady Fest to Fernandez who slotted it home. Despite the late efforts, Baldwin Wallace hung on to close out game one 3-1.

Game Two

Fest scored an unassisted goal at 4:33 to stake Carlow an early 1-0 lead.

Baldwin Wallace found the net at 3:51 to draw even at 1-1. Carlow immediately responded at 3:34 as Fernandez knocked home a feed by Fest. The scoring flurry continued with Baldwin Wallace running it right back at 3:37, 2-2.

Fernandez was able to capitalize on some direct pressure and convert at 1:58, but the Yellow Jackets didn't want to let Carlow hold on to the lead for long drawing even at 1:52.

Carlow benefitted from a pair Fernandez saves at 1:07 and 0:51, but Baldwin Wallace broke the tie to go up 4-3 with just 33 seconds left to claim victory in game two.

Game Three

Baldwin Wallace netted the first goal in game three at 4:14 and the second came at 3:38, giving them an early 2-0 lead.

Fest produced an unassisted goal for the Celtics at 2:38 to pull closer, trailing 2-1.

The Yellow Jackets were able to pad their lead at 1:04 to go up 3-1 and finish the sweep to cap off the match victory.

Carlow 1 | Baldwin Wallace 3
Carlow 3 | Baldwin Wallace 4
Carlow 1 | Baldwin Wallace 3

RL Purple (1-3) v. CCAC (2-1)

Game One

CCAC struck first at 4:23 after a miscommunication and collision by Alena Hemminger and Elizabeth Knight in the Carlow net. CCAC struck again at 3:50 to go up 2-0.

Carlow almost cut the lead in half with two quick shots from Hemminger and AJ Nguyen, but CCAC converted on the immediate counter opportunity to jump out to a 3-0 lead with 2:08 to go.
Nguyen made a great save at 1:06, but CCAC was able to knock the rebound home with an aerial goal to extend their lead to 4-0. It was just another 13 seconds before CCAC potted another goal to make the score 5-0.

Game Two

CCAC opened with heavy pressure that resulted in a Knight save but a goal conversion for CCAC on the rebound at 4:45. It was nearly another minute before anyone saw the next goal, which was CCAC again to double their lead to 2-0.

Nguyen found the back of the net for the Celtics on a long goal at 3:25 to pull Carlow within one. It was Nguyen again at 2:36 with a coast-to-coast solo goal to tie the game 2-2.

CCAC scored on a chip shot at 1:49 and then again at 1:31 to make the score 4-2 in favor of the Wild Cats. Hemminger put an aerial shot off the post with 38 seconds left but it wasn't enough for Carlow to find the score sheet.
CCAC added a literal last second goal at 0:01 to make the final score 5-2 CCAC.

Game Three

CCAC came out strong from the jump and were able to win the opening kickoff and score on the resulting shot to go up 1-0 at 4:55.

The Wild Cats found the back of the net twice in prompt fashion to extend their lead to 3-0 with 3:46 left.

Knight and Hemminger were putting on a defensive clinic racking up saves left and right in the second half of game three, but Carlow couldn't produce any offense in the outing. It was CCAC who held on to close out game three 4-0, after an extra time goal and take the match victory in a sweep.

Carlow 0 | CCAC 5
Carlow 2 | CCAC 4
Carlow 0 | CCAC 4