Player Profile Form

Please provide an example on how to say your complete name for our broadcasts/public address. EX/ Kah-ree-nah Grawt-Z-on-ee
Sports(s) *
Please select all that apply:
Please enter height as listed on your physical form.
If applicable
Softball ONLY
Please check all that apply.
Please choose your academic year.
Please add your major (and minor, if applicable). If you are an upperclassman and have changed your major, please let us know here!
High school and if a transfer, previous college/university
Please list Hometown, State and only list Country if it is somewhere outside of the US.
Please list any athletic and/or academic awards/honors below
Please add a fun fact or any information you think our broadcasters should know about you!
I hereby grant my consent to use and license the use of my name, my likeness, and my personal information whether in still or in motion pictures, my photograph and/or other reproduction, including my voice and features, with or without my name, for any editorial, promotion, trade, webpage, business or other purpose whatsoever, or for testimonial and endorsement or product advertising. Carlow University may exercise its rights in any way it sees fit for its production, for advertising, for the web, and for other purposes. *
* required field